State law ends property registration in Tulsa, OK


Tulsa, OK: The Protect Property Rights Act, House Bill 2620, took effect Nov. 1, prohibiting mandatory vacant property registration (VPR) not only for the city of Tulsa and other cities that already had registration programs in place, but for the entire state of Oklahoma.


Tulsa’s registration program was specifically targeted at only properties causing negative impacts on neighborhoods, properties that were clear safety hazards and drags on property values.


Other cities in the state had VPR programs encompassing more than properties known to be blights, which led to complaints to elected representatives to address what some people felt were programs being used more to generate city profits, an extra “tax” on property owners, than to check city challenges brought on by blighted property.


Alternate plans to deal with abandoned property are already being discussed, though any such ideas will need to abide by the provisions set forth by the Protect Property Rights Act. City codes dealing with violations other than for property registration – lawn maintenance, structural damage, trash removal, etc. – remain in place, and will still be enforced in all cities in which such code violation management exists.


Ascent combines focused experience with centralized operations oversite to create innovative solutions to manage code violation notices, vacant property registration ordinances, and vendor management services across the entire United States.