Duluth, MN, revises fees, insurance policy requirements for vacant property registration ordinance

Duluth, MN: City Council voted to amend the vacant property registration ordinance, to increase fees and require the City be added to the insurance for the building.

The new fee schedule will involve a $500.00 payment for registration of a vacant property for the first year, and each subsequent year of necessary registration that fee would increase by $500.00


Per 17-034-O, registration and fees are due within 30 days of the property going vacant, and renewal will be set on the anniversary listed at registration for the date when the property went vacant. Annual fees can be waived, if all past due property taxes are paid, property is sufficiently insured, maintenance plan has been demonstrated to City’s satisfaction.

Additionally, all owners of vacant property must maintain fire, property, and liability insurance in an amount not less than $300,000 for residential use, and $1 million for any other use, and name the city of Duluth as an additional insured on those properties.




Ascent combines focused research and centralized operations oversight to create innovative outsourced solutions for code enforcement violations, vacant property registration ordinances, property preservation, and other vendor management needs from across the United States.